Friday, November 09, 2007

No queen can be more mother

Humans, without regard to any cultural, societal or genetic difference,
can experience with equal enjoyment much of what is upon this earth
and the width of this experience grows. Equal in this view is that from the
lowest to the highest, no man can be without happiness nor can he
enjoy any less or more than other this he is equal.

The exquisite rapture of sexual climax, is felt so well by a poor man as one wealthy.
A rainbow delights with prismatic brilliance in equal measure to all who watch.
A grandson held adoring, is to the heart of men the same.

Listen to Williams and Bream play Clair de have millions, with
what might have been available to a rich few once but now more and more.
Yet, once presented, to old and young it is a sound which sings the same to all.

We may have race, language, science, religion, and sustenance differences
but we are more alike than different. No queen can be more mother than the
poorest nomad who hums a lullaby to her first born.

Thank God.

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