Friday, January 13, 2006

To be honest

I've come to adopt a perspective now, with such religious conviction, that truly you cannot cheat an honest man...and that given time and opportunity, most people will do the right thing. It's a comforting feeling to know there is a protective God present at every human endeavor. I think you would agree.

However, I'm practical enough to know that doesn't mean one might consider having been cheated in an exchange, if you didn't at least receive an education and at least learn who not to associate with. But you know God promises to avenge our pain, that he will repay, and I shudder to realize the enormity of that. I cannot fathom what resources are available to an avenging God nor the extremes he is capable of...if they could but be measured. Nothing I could do as revenge could approach that rendered by God.

Just believing is what makes an honest man succeed. Learning that another cannot be trusted, early instead of later when the damage would be worse...improves his odds.

while we know "that not a sparrow falls to the earth...and unto the least of these" to be interpretation of those words excludes the "most and best", to share in his promise...and you are certainly that.