Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Undisclosed Recipient" emails from a person who has never ever sent me a personal note.

Some people have a group name which includes most of the addresses they have and they send anything of interest to everyone in that group name...

Sometimes when I receive such an email, I know that the person who sent it was just broadcasting and the email really isn't something the author thinks would be of interest to me.
EXAMPLE: I got an email addressed to "Undisclosed Recipient": It was an article telling people who wish to, how to gain weight. If you know me, that email was not applicable to me at all.

I have chosen to send emails to several people in a single email addressed to "Undisclosed" which is not a group address...then I BCC people from my address book that I think will specifically benefit...for that email.

SO! You know this email is specifically meant for you...and no one else sees your address in the TO: or CC: block (to maintain any privacy for your address).

Each time I send to Undisclosed, I select exactly to whom it will go...EACH TIME. It takes a minute or so extra time for me, but it avoids sending you an email about how to gain weight (if you are even slightly as heavy as I am - grin).

I urge you to consider a similar method of your own. Why? Because broadcasting to everyone in your address book or to a large number of them, indiscriminately, is like telling a story out loud in the middle of a bus station :
(1) some people don't think you are talking to them and don't listen
(2) some people disregard any email not specifically addressed to them (unless they know you have purposely selected them)
(3) some people broadcast everything they get in email as a forwarded item
(4) persons who you really want to read the email for important information often put off reading such emails.
(5) I grow weary of receiving emails addressed to "Undisclosed Recipient" from people who I would like to think are thinking of me, only to realize I was put on a distribution list long ago; the sender is just doing a "quick and dirty" mailing to a group that hasn't been updated and I've really been forgotten (which is okay, just update your group listing and quit bugging me). I have received dozens of Undisclosed emails from a person who has never ever sent me a personal note and to whom I have not written in years.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Give 'em a Big Mac and Fries

"The Farm Bill" H.R. 2419 has been widely criticized, vetoed by the President, and that veto overridden by congress. You can see why almost any citizen should be incensed by examining provisions of the bill
(Link provided here)

Here is one item as example:
Section 17 of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2026) is amended by adding at the end the following:
(k) Nutrition Education and Promotion Initiative to Address Obesity-
`(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall establish a demonstration program, to be known as the `Initiative to Address Obesity Among Low-Income Americans' (referred to in this subsection as the `Initiative'), to develop and implement
solutions to reduce obesity in the United States.

(3) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2012....

So what is the target "low-income" definition? "...individuals living in households with incomes at or below 185 percent of the poverty level...."

At the lowest threshold published by the US Census Bureau, that would be approximately $18,400...or about 23% of the population.(i.e. approximately 70 million people). A Census Bureau estimate is that 21% of US citizens are obese, therefore the bill addresses about 15 million people.

If 15 million overweight people were offered a choice.

(1) read a pamphlet about good eating habits.
(or attend a Demonstration Program)

(2) a free Big Mac, fries and small coke.
(What that $40-50 million would buy 15 million people)

Which do you think they would choose?

Do you think 15 million people don't know what makes them fat?
Do you think there is no free access to information about diets and exercise via libraries, public schools, TV, etc. ?
Do you think a government program could significantly reduce obesity where all other efforts and reasons have not?
If there was ever a good solution, "Just say No" comes to mind...and Hillary Clinton (who voted FOR this bill) can be the one to say it.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Legalize Prostitution

I advocate a legalized form of prostitution !!!

Differences betwen a married couple and a prostitute with her John:
Married CoupleProstitute and John
Sanctioned by the churchIllegal IAW local laws
Government licensedGovernment enforces prohibition
Woman has papers on man Woman profits by pleasing man
Children - sometimes Children not desired
Failure = havoc on all forever Failure = one time
Minimal STDExcessive STD
Taxed, federal and state Untaxed
Minimal crime Excessive crime

Prostitution exists and will continue to exist as the oldest profession.

If prostitution in some form was legal, no governmental costs to enforce; unwanted children avoided; safeguards against STD could be established; income taxable by federal and state; and crime reduced where aided by black market sex.

So WHY don't we make some form of legal prostitution?
Many women feel they cannot compete!

Many women could/would not get married without sex for sale as a contract for support and fidelity.
If your average Joe just wanting sex, could get it at competitive prices with less fear for disease, crime or police arrest - the result would include less undesirable marriages; less sex related abuse; less man vs. woman hate; more employment; less welfare costs and a lot less undesired children requiring welfare support etc.

Many want ownership and guarantee of support from a chosen partner...probably acceptable where children result...but the arrangement can be one of slavery...for either sex.

None of this excludes the equal opportunity for males - just substitute men where women are mentioned above.