There are issues of human suffering all over the globe, some at the hand of nature but more at the hand of man himself. A point to consider is that in every instance not all suffer within each country. There are some who live relatively much better and some outrageously better. Most often these well to do are of, or exert significant influence upon, a governing body which can be any form from socialist to monarchy. As never before in history, the masses have been incapacitated - unable to revolt except by death in massive numbers. In the past with such conditions, revolution occurred and sometimes made changes for the better.
Now consider that the ruling classes are willing to aid in cases of natural disaster. But why not before when thousands of Haitians were dying weekly from malnutrition? Where men of means control, they insure the status quo. Where nature controls in some foreign place, men desire to show a good if in fear for that which cannot be controlled.
In fact, most efforts for outsiders to resolve suffering within a region, where intervention was employed, resulted in failure. History has it well documented.
"The Tree of Life is Self-Pruning"