Sunday, May 04, 2008

Legalize Prostitution

I advocate a legalized form of prostitution !!!

Differences betwen a married couple and a prostitute with her John:
Married CoupleProstitute and John
Sanctioned by the churchIllegal IAW local laws
Government licensedGovernment enforces prohibition
Woman has papers on man Woman profits by pleasing man
Children - sometimes Children not desired
Failure = havoc on all forever Failure = one time
Minimal STDExcessive STD
Taxed, federal and state Untaxed
Minimal crime Excessive crime

Prostitution exists and will continue to exist as the oldest profession.

If prostitution in some form was legal, no governmental costs to enforce; unwanted children avoided; safeguards against STD could be established; income taxable by federal and state; and crime reduced where aided by black market sex.

So WHY don't we make some form of legal prostitution?
Many women feel they cannot compete!

Many women could/would not get married without sex for sale as a contract for support and fidelity.
If your average Joe just wanting sex, could get it at competitive prices with less fear for disease, crime or police arrest - the result would include less undesirable marriages; less sex related abuse; less man vs. woman hate; more employment; less welfare costs and a lot less undesired children requiring welfare support etc.

Many want ownership and guarantee of support from a chosen partner...probably acceptable where children result...but the arrangement can be one of slavery...for either sex.

None of this excludes the equal opportunity for males - just substitute men where women are mentioned above.