President Barack Obama and many lawmakers want to use infrastructure projects to create jobs. The House was expected to pass an $825 billion economic stimulus bill on Wednesday. Of that money, $150 billion would go to fixing infrastructure.
Our infrastructure requires more...much much more. At least

$1 TRILLION to restore aviation, bridges, roads, waterways, drinking water, waste water, dams, hazardous waste, solid waste, schools, rail, energy, levee, inland waterways, transit and public park systems. That is according to estimates EPA, NEA, and engineers. A significant portion of that is a continuing annual maintenance increase and not just a one time fix.
These "fixes" are iterative measures to sustain the existing systems. This is not change but more costs for the same stuff.
Considering the shortfall, cost and efficiency...we need to step back and review our priorities and develop innovative, more efficient, practical, long term and perhaps revolutionary changes to arrive at sustainable infrastructure. Instead of increasing the size of the box, we need to think outside the box and what goes into the box.