Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Politics in the American process is based on garnering votes during elections to the promotion of advantage of one group's interest as opposed to others. A vote for candidate xyz is to insure that the government's funds will be expended with emphasis on your special interest and not others, because as of yet,
no government is capable of satisfying all of the people all of the time.

And money votes before people do...it is even a measure of a candidate's "electability" for most news sources and political pundits...reported as such. The measurement offends the populace but is accurate nonetheless.

Why does money vote? Money buys presence, the image of power and
the concept of winning.

In America, the general wisdom is that the candidate with the most money backing is more likely to win and Americans want to side with winners regardless of their character, experience or ability.

Who wins? Not the public at large. Polls, which are an undue influence as it is, indicate that Americans expect corruption and thus favor that corruption which most meets their wishes. The beauty pageant of campaigns is entirely image because the public believes that perception is reality. This is a very weak link in the United States of America national security.

Even our reviews of politics by "experts" concentrates on how well the media is handled and the perceptions of the public, versus issues of government or the ability of a candidate to fulfill the needs of the office they seek.

Our government elected officials will behave with conscience
when the populace votes on conscience.

Revolution is in order...if it is not too late.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

United States "American/English" biased issue

Let me begin by denoting this is an United States "American/English" biased issue that might well apply to other peoples and should be considered in that fashion. Just substitute your own nation/language(s) into the logic.

I stumbled upon the DoNotCall register regarding the US FTC's online process and registered my phone with the government's program. While there, I noted a special section for those who required their information En EspaƱol.

Although I have no negative feelings about Spanish or those who speak it, I am gobsmacked by the lack of equal opportunity. Here's what I think:

For those of you who do not speak English or Spanish, PLEASE complain to your US congressman that you are not receiving equal opportunity as the English/Spanish speaking and want all government communication presented in your language of choice as well. Since there are over 750 languages in daily use, you can imagine the instruction "press 749 for Aragonese." Since Aragonese is spoken in Aragon Spain, not even all Spanish peoples are satisfied with "press 2 for Spanish."

For those of you who think the idea of the U.S. Government trying to speak in tongues...(as if they weren't incomprehensible already) is a silly irony...but see a need for translation at times, let me introduce you to a free on line translator of text and even websites:


Try it! Also if you didn't know AltaVista, just know that AltaVista developed the first search able, full-text database on the World Wide Web in 1995 and was THE search engine of its day. (otherwise you'd have no search capability via Yahoo, Google, AskJeeves, AllTheWeb, etc.)

And for those of you who are innovative, imagine that instead of spending millions reproducing information in Spanish (and whatever language comes after that ad infinitum) , the United States government instead funded a project to build a universal translator for the world...much like GPS serves the world. Just maybe the rest of the world should help doing this universal translator ability.

Oh, one more thing. Spanish speaking people have some of the richest cultures on this planet and their inclusion at least in America (north and south) is essential. And the same goes for English speaking people specially in the United States of America.